Two-state system

美 [tuː steɪt ˈsɪstəm]英 [tuː steɪt ˈsɪstəm]
  • 网络二态系统;双状态系统
Two-state systemTwo-state system
  1. The results will help direct the selection of the suitable two-state system which observes the laws of quantum mechanics to accomplish quantum logic functions in the experiment . 2 .


  2. Number-phases Squeezing and Its minimum Uncertainty State in a Two-state System


  3. In the theoretical treatment of single molecule dynamics , one spatial dimension and two-state system is the simplest one .


  4. An example of dynamics in a two-state system with a time-independent Hamiltonian .


  5. Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system


  6. Thus in this thesis , we will made a detailed introduction of our method & perturbation based on unitary transformation , and apply it to several models to investigate the Non-Markovian decoherence and disentanglement dynamics of dissipation two-state system .


  7. The matrix expression of the system state for a two-state unit system is derived in this paper .


  8. Bose etc. , introduced its application in switching DC / DC converters , discussed the stability problem of a current controlled two-state modulation system .


  9. Study of on-off frequency control method of two-state current controlled PWM system
